No treasure can compare to the beauty of our salvation! Matthew Explained | Sunday Evening Message | March 12, 2017
The Bible is a timeless book that is as relevant today as it was when it was written, because the author is God Himself. Jesus said even down to the smallest letter or part of a letter, it will never fade away. Why not make it a part of your life today? Matthew | Sunday Morning Sermon | January 15, 2017
Do you need a new fervor to your praying? Or maybe you don't even know how to get started talking to God? Pastor Tim Phillips teaches us three practical principles of prayer that will help you draw closer to the Lord and see Him answer. Matthew Explained | Sunday Morning Sermon | October 9, 2016
Many people view Jesus as just a Good Teacher, but Jesus claimed to be more than that. In this sermon, Pastor Tim shows five different ways that Jesus claimed to be God. Matthew 6 | Sunday Evening Sermon | January 30, 2011
God's Word Explained
August 2019