Did God really create the world in six twenty-four hour days? Doesn't is say something in Psalms about a day being a thousand years? In this message, Pastor Tim addresses these questions from the Scriptures so that you can defend your faith. Various Scriptures | Wednesday Evening Message | March 15, 2017
Many people do not believe that God's Word is enough--that it is sufficient. In this first of a two-part series, Pastor Tim shows us how the Bible is the primary means for knowing God and knowing truth. Psalm 19 Explained | Sunday Morning Sermon | April 3, 2011
There is a well-known Christian phrase that says, "God is good all the time. All the time, God is good." In the midst of difficulty of discouragement, reflecting upon God's goodness can uplift our spirits. Pastor Tim shows us from Psalm 100 why we have a reason to rejoice. Psalm 100 | Sunday Morning Sermon | December 3, 2006
God's Word Explained
August 2019